Six Departments, each headed up by a Manager; Administration, Nursing, Recreation, Food Services, Environmental Services, and Maintenance. All are very fortunate to have dedicated Care Partners.
Hours 8:00am – 4:00pm, Mon. – Fri. For assistance during the weekend or after hours locate the nearest neighbourhood.
The main building is designed in a circle with a court yard in the center. In addition there are two outside patios, main lounge, cafe and Lynwood, Barrachois and Balmoral neighbourhoods
There is a round concrete walkway, including a bridge over a pond with fish. A barn with large pasture area and goats. A playground. Flower gardens. (We also have 2 resident vegetable gardens).
Visitor parking lot – PLEASE do not BLOCK entrances or the front entry. Handicap Parking is by the Main Entrance.
Located across from the reception desk in the administration area.
A space available for extra privacy and comfort for Residents an families during visits or gatherings, if needed. Preference is given to families of Residents who are ill or palliative. Arrangements can be made at the Administration Office or with the Duty Nurse if after hours.
Courtesy and respecting privacy are of the utmost importance for our Residents.
All concerns, suggestions, ideas are welcomed. For concern/complaints, please speak directly with a department manager. If the response is not satisfactory to meet your needs, please complete a Formal Concern/Complaint Form at Administration Office. The Executive Director/designate will respond within 72 hours.
Residents are given an opportunity to participate in a council to voice any complaints, concerns, suggestions, and ideas giving input into the operation of their home on a monthly basis.
A yearly meeting between Residents family and Care partner to keep everyone informed.
To be discussed upon admission.
The philosophy of the Nursing Department is the provision of a high standard of nursing care which recognizes and attempts to meet physical, emotional, psychosocial and spiritual needs of the resident.
The responsibility of the Nursing Department is to support and enhance the various acts of daily living which assist the Resident to utilize the total potential of which he/she is capable.
The focus of the Nursing Care will be the assessed needs of each Resident and the action required to meet those needs.
Three Neighbourhoods – Barrachois, Balmoral & Lynwood House – Each neighborhood has a nursing station and RN/LPN Team Leader.
Registered Nurse – Charge Nurse 24 hrs, Licensed Practical Nurse, Continuing Care Assistants
Regular scheduled visits as well as emergency coverage.
Arranged by the Resident Care Coordinator/Designated Nurse. Transportation is the family’s responsibility
All dispensed as ordered by the Health Care Provider, no meds in Residents rooms including over the counter, vitamins, creams ointments, oils and herbal supplements. Medications are reviewed frequently.
Is a combination dining room/lounge for Residents.
Residents are encouraged to be as active as possible.
- Whirlpool
- Walking
- Foot care
- Nail care
- Palliative Care
- Exercises
- Wellness monitoring
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- Dietitian
- Horticultural Therapy
- Maritime Hearing
We recommend clothing that is machine washed and dried and name tags sewn on. Name tags are provided and can be sewn on by our seamstress. All new clothing purchases can be taken to the Environmental (Housekeeping) Department for tag application or family members may take on this task.
Residents are encouraged to bring items such as a lamp or fan, pictures for their new home at Willow Lodge. All electrical items must be CSA Approved. If unsure, the Maintenance Department would be happy to look at the item. There is not a lot of storage space in the Resident’s room, closets are small. Please confer with a Care Partner if unsure. All electrical items must be CSA Approved. If unsure, the Maintenance Department would be happy to look at the item.
A team approach to Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy is offered at Willow Lodge. The goal of the therapy department is to maintain mobility and maximize function. An Occupational Therapist/Physiotherapist Assistant is available daily during the week. We all work together to reduce fall risks, ensure proper walking aids, assist with wheelchair acquisitions and consult about pressure areas and wound care.
In addition, we also provide the services of an Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist.
NEWSPAPER | Delivered everyday |
HAIRDRESSER | Three days a week (Wed. Thurs. & Fri.) |
TELEPHONE | Installation by Bell Aliant |
FOOT CARE CLINIC | Once per month |
CABLE | Payment once a month |
COMPUTER SYSTEM | Internet, Email, Skype, Games, music and much more |
DENTAL HYGIENIST | Every 6 months |
A Resident may choose to have their own telephone installed. You can do this through Bell Aliant.
The goal of the Recreation Program at Willow Lodge is to meet the social, physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual needs of our Residents.
We invite family members to participate in any activities, share talents, hobbies and interests (i.e. music, a collection etc.)
Meetings to update families and gather feedback. Meets twice annually.
Provided by the local Clergy and their congregations each Sunday.
Resident drives and excursions to local events, shopping trips, picnics, fishing etc. We welcome family members who may be available to join us on these outings. Due to insurance regulations, only certain staff are approved to drive the van.
Available for small items, stamps, cards, chocolate bars, chips, peppermints, stockings, batteries, personal items, etc.
Willow Leaf is published monthly and e-mailed to the person listed as the next of kin. Others can receive the newsletter on our website; www.willowlodge.ca or via email, please leave your email address with Julie Tattrie, Director of Recreation. A calendar of events for the upcoming month is included.
We are fortunate to have many local organizations entertain our Residents; groups such as local Cubs, Cancer Society, Choral Groups, Men’s Choir, Historical Society, U.C.W. Groups and other Youth Groups and student programs.
Held the last Thursday of each month when we celebrate Residents who have had birthdays during the month.
Held at the end of September to remember Residents we have lost in the past year.
The purpose of the Food Service Department is to meet the individual nutritional and dietary needs of our Residents by providing a menu based on Canada’s Food Guide and legislative requirements.
Choices and selection of menu come from individual Resident assessments, Resident Council and by observing special function and holiday meals. We strive to provide a pleasant dining atmosphere and encourage an enjoyable dining experience.
We maintain a five week rotating menu. We also provide the traditional seasonal foods, lobsters, strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb and blueberries. A lot of this produce is kindly donated by people. Our Suzie Q meal cart allows us to offer Residents a food choice for each meal.
We have a consulting Dietitian who assesses each Resident and their dietary needs.
Each neighbourhood has its own dining room.
Meal times for our Residents vary depending on the neighbourhood.
A refreshment/snack cart circulates in the afternoon and evening with snacks and drinks.
Meals such as Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving tend to be extra busy in the kitchen. For this reason we ask that you call 48 hours in advance to order a meal.
A kitchenette looking over the Tatamagouche Bay is available to family and friends who wish to have a private place to meet or to celebrate a special occasion with their loved one.
Welcome to Willow Lodge! Come visit and bring joy & happiness to our Residents.
Accept each Resident as a unique individual, respecting the frailties and disabilities that may confront you. Please do not underestimate the capacity of a Resident or the value of time spent visiting.
If you are ill, recovering from an illness, or feel you may be coming down with something, please do not visit with our Residents.
Welcome & Encouraged
Welcome. At present we have cats, birds, rabbits and occasionally staff brings their pets in to visit.
The following suggestions may help you have a more meaningful and constructive visit and enrich your time together.
- Take a Resident for a walk. Many are immobile and live in a small room. A corridor walk (or a wheelchair ride) is like a grand tour.
- Greet all the other Residents that you meet. A smile with a ‘Hello’ gives something that money cannot buy.
- A home baked cookie or some other “outside goodies” is usually very much appreciated by a Resident. Even a “fast food” coffee is often cherished. NOTE: Please check with the staff if there is a concern about special diets.
- Share information about your involvements and activities of family members and friends. Bring a photo album to peruse.
- Touching, cuddling, and hugging relay warm, joyful feelings to our Residents. The sense of touch is one that most Residents really lack and long for.
- Take time to read to a Resident. Share a novel or magazine story or enjoy the books located in the little kitchen.
- Singing lifts the heart and spirit of a Resident. Start, or join in with a sing song of familiar tunes and hymns. Some Residents who experience difficulty in communicating verbally are able to respond very well to song and music. You can even play a musical tape or one of our musical instruments (piano). We always welcome people’s hidden musical talents.
- A short drive around town in a car, a visit to a familiar landmark, a stop at the mall or the local coffee shop can be a highlight for a Resident. It requires only a little extra effort on your part. A release must be signed at the Nursing Station before leaving.
- Find out when we have “tea time” for our Residents. Join a Resident, create a party in our Willow Café – be entertained, relax and enjoy life’s little pleasure.
- The visit length is not important. Ten minutes or an hour – it all depends upon your schedule. Your visit will be appreciated and may be the high point in the Resident’s day.
- Do a make over, manicure or hair – do. The Hair Salon can be made available when the Hairdresser is not in.
- Watch a movie together, a VCR/DVD player is available.
- If you cannot be here personally, make an audio tape of some favorite passage, book or sayings.
Memorial donations to Willow Lodge are always greatly appreciated. Donations can be made at the administration office and a receipt will be issued for income tax purposes.
As a non-profit organization we rely largely on donations and fundraising efforts to help us go the extra mile when it comes to activities such as the Willow Lodge Bus, and Care Partner education.
When making a donation, you can specify where you would like your donation money to be used, such as: Willow Bus Fund, staff education, or for any other activity that you feel you would like to contribute to.
Look for our Tree of Love. Willow Lodge offers the opportunity for everyone to remember someone special during the Christmas Holiday Season by dedicating a bulb on our Christmas tree in memory of a loved one or to honor someone presently in your life.
We have different colour light bulbs for sale to be placed on our Christmas tree in front of the Lodge. Each light colour represents a different monetary gift from $5.00 to $50.00. A star will also be placed on the tree top for a monetary gift.
A celebration is held around the Tree of Love as the names of those who are being remembered are read aloud. A memorial book is on display for the next year with the names of those people who were remembered.
Through CanadaHelps.org, we are now able to accept online donations and receipts will sent automatically. This is a convenient way for you to make a one time donation or set up a more comfortable donation schedule whereby your credit card is billed at the amount and pace you choose.
Visit our online donation page and read more HERE.
Residents, family members, Care Partners, students, service clubs and other community groups are encouraged to participate as volunteers. Their abilities and interest improve quality of life for all Residents. We have approximately 100 volunteers that come to Willow Lodge on a regular basis to help with activities bowling, bingo, music, crafts, games, foot care, nail care, music program (Ipod), etc.
This is group of volunteers who usually meet on the first Tuesday of every month in the board room at Willow Lodge. They are a dedicated group of individuals who offer a tremendous amount of support to the Recreation Department.
We encourage the young people to come and get involved in life at Willow Lodge and Residents enjoy the interaction.
There is a great need in this area, as we are always looking for men who are willing to come to men’s coffee break to share their hobbies and interests and to visit at other times as well.
We are lucky to have a very dedicated group of people who donate their time and use their own vehicles to provide this service.
There is always a need for more volunteers. Applications to become a volunteer can be picked up at the administration office here at Willow Lodge.
Our Meals On Wheels Program was initiated on September 6, 1983. Meals are available to people in our community who have difficulty preparing adequate meals for themselves. Participants may be handicapped, convalescent or chronically ill.
We offer a full course dinner that includes desert and a baked pastry item. Participants can learn the menu content in advance by calling the Lodge and receiving a copy of the 5 week cycle menu. Request for special diets are handled on an individual basis.
DELIVERY | Meals are delivered between 11:30am – 12:15pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. |
PAYMENT | Meal Tickets may be obtained in advance by calling Willow Lodge. Purchasing meal tickets in advance eliminates the need of trying to have correct money on hand and works better for our cooks and volunteers. |
REQUESTS | To order your meals, please contact the Food Service Department at Willow Lodge 657-3101. If it is a new request for meals on wheels service, 24 hour advance notice must to given. |
The MacKay Van has the capacity to hold one wheelchair and several passengers. The intended use for the van is for Resident outings.
Due to insurance regulations, only certain staff are approved to drive the van.
Funding came from the Clifford MacKay Estate which is to be used for capital projects. The Foundation felt this van would be a great asset for Willow Lodge to use for our Residents.
CODED DOORS | All doors have security locks. It is released when button pushed or by the fire alarm. |
SECURITY CAMERAS | There are security cameras placed throughout the building and are observed at each neighbourhood and Administation. |
FIRE | Plan in place for evacuation Fire drills regularly Please read rules posted beside each pull station Building inspected by Fire Marshall’s Office Educational programs |
EMERGENCY | Generator provides electricity to the entire building in the event of power failure. |
HEALTH/SAFETY | Committee Policy Performs Audits Maintains high standards Education programs |
SMOKING | Smoking is prohibited on the grounds and in the facility of Willow Lodge. A smoking room for Residents is located in the Barrachois Neighbourhood. Residents are monitored by Nursing staff. |
CSA APPROVAL | All electrical items must be CSA Approved. If unsure, the Maintenance Department would be happy to look at the item. |
MEDICATIONS | All meds, even over the counter must be prescribe by a Health Care Provider and administered by or under the supervision of RN or LPN. |
FURNITURE | All upholstered furniture purchased must have gold Upholstered Furniture Action Council (UFAC) hangtags. This is a requirement of the Fire Marshal’s Office. |
LOW SCENT | Willow Lodge is a low scent environment.
IN RESPECT FOR THOSE RESIDENTS WITH SENSITIVITIES, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM THE USE OF STRONG SCENTED PERFUMES, COLOGNES, and HAIR SPRAYS ETC. Strong scented flowers such as some types of lilies can have an effect on both Resident and Care Partner sensitivities. |
Willow Lodge along with the community work together to meet the needs of Elders inside and outside of Willow Lodge. Our efforts do not stop within Willow Lodge.
Some of the things we do:
- Youth Groups
- Community Health
- Village Groups
- Alzheimer’s Support meets once per month
- UCW Meetings monthly
Will provide space
- Parades
- Decorating
- Cancer Support Group
- Bursary – High School Graduate Program
- Equipment Loan Depot, (Donations appreciated)
- Residents
- Seniors and Disabled
- Various sessions offered
- Oldest Fiddler Award –
- Norman MacBurnie Memorial Trophy
A very caring and dedicated bunch, they are not only dedicated to Willow Lodge and the Residents they care for, they are truly dedicated to community and charities.